manufacturer of sustainable fashion socialba



In every collection that comes up is essential to the Manufacture of samples. It is a crucial point since this is where we're going to be able to actually see the end result at the designs that we want to make. 

Here is the time to check that everything is as we had in mind and if not, to have the possibility of correcting any point of the garment so that once it is all right to proceed with serial production of clothes chosen.


What are the kits and why we need to develop them?

Pattern and scale of sizes

Once we have the designs and the cut of the garment you want and the fabrics chosen, we create the pattern of the agreed model and its scaling of sizes. We then performed a marked textile and print it with the plotter.

Corte y confección de ropa

Cutting, embossing and embroidery

Taking these steps ready, make the cut of the garment and are separated from the part corresponding to bring them to print or embroider.

Producción de ropa vertical


 Subsequently, the making of the garments. The last step is the ironing is vaporized and quality control.

Throughout the process, keeping the client informed of all the steps that gives the manufacture of garments to your delivery so that you have a follow-up date of the processes that take place in every moment.

Contact us

Looking for manufacturers of clothing for your brand? 

Contact us. We are here to answer all of your questions and give you the advice you need on each step of the process.
